An important component in any modern blended learning approach is the development of on-line learning opportunities. With training delivery often focused on smaller groups or even individuals, it’s essential to maximise your training resources to deliver the most experiential training for your teams.

Virtual Classrooms

The virtual classroom means there is no need for travel, less time off the road and benefit for learners to attend from any location, anywhere in the world via the web.

Expert Facilitators

PI have a skilled multi-lingual team who are able to design, build and deliver an interactive, experiential learning experience for your team.

Flexibility & Value for Money

Learning can take place when it suits the business, without the need to travel and take time off the road enabling you to do more, with less budget       and resources.


Virtual Connections

PI Partnership virtual connections creates a safe environment for Customer facing teams to conduct ‘real life training calls’ with real prescribers, payers, actors, coaches and managers.
All that’s needed is access to Wi-Fi and a quiet environment to deliver a training call via a computer.

Minimise time off the road

Internal and external coaches can observe and feedback

Record and replay calls to develop selling skills

Digital reports measuring skills and competency and benchmark against company and industry data (where appropriate)


The Learning  Partnership